My Roles: Social Media ★ Interviewer & Segment Host ★ Event Organizer ★ Content Creator ★ Copy Writer
I joined the Design Week Tallahassee team in August 2020 when it went virtual. Initially I was only to organize a portfolio review event. However, I quickly became the social media manager: creating graphics and writing copy. Finally, I started hosting talks, conducting interviews and organizing virtual events.
Social Media
I created more 80+ social media posts for Design Week Tallahassee's Instagram and Facebook including speaker announcements, sponsor posts, and videos. I wrote copy for each post. Most of the visuals used pre-existing graphics (like the "Creatures of Habit" branding and creature illustrations by Lindsey Masterson), but I rearranged them developed the overall social media's look, based on what had come pre-virtual event.
"No Pressure Portfolio Reviews" Event
I orchestrated a virtual portfolio review event called "No Pressure Portfolio Reviews" with a team of local creative directors. Students and recent graduates would submit their PDF or website portfolios. I would then match them with a creative director who best fit the work displayed. The reviewers would then turn back either a writer or video review.
It was fairly successful with a variety of students from FSU, FAMU, The Creative Circus in Atlanta and even a recent collage graduate living in Spain. AIGA Tallahassee plans to hold further virtual portfolio reviews inspired by this event.
The marketing for this event used visuals from a Design Week Tallahassee poster by Carly Berry. I rearranged the letters of "Design Week" to make "No pressure" and added the dates.
Virtual Talks
Over four months, we released 17 episodes with 770+ minutes of content. I hosted several talks and interviews. When I was not in front of the camera, I handled marketing and other event coordination behind the scenes including writing questions.
ADDY Award
AIGA Tallahassee won a Silver American Advertising Award for Design Week Tallahassee 2020 from the American Advertising Federation of Tallahassee. I wrote the nomination submission document and compiled materials. I also wrote the AIGA TLH's announcement article.